Whether it was by attacking north Indian workers, slapping Samajwadi Party MLA Abu Azmi on the floor of the Legislative Assembly, digging cricket pitches, passing diktats saying all taxi-drivers in Mumbai should speak Marathi, or saying Mumbai is for Marathis, it has reinforced its divisive agenda
Such elements are present in almost all countries but what is disturbing is that the Shiv Sena and the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena are mainstream political parties and form part of the largest democracy. Completing 60 years of becoming a republic has been a vital achievement for our country. Any attempt to deal a blow to this by forces of regionalism should be dealt with firmly.
At the same time the people from Bihar and U.P. should also think of developing their own state, working hard at their own lands and using their much praised talent for their own benefits same as South Indians did for Bangaluru and Hydrabad after Bal Thakre's hate speeches. then the day is not far away when Lakhnow, Patna, Banaras and Kanpur will also give them all happiness in search of which they go to Mumbai.